I am sad to say Donny Osmond won the trophy for this season of DWTS. I'm sorry Donny you were great, but you weren't that great! I guess the Mormon's united on this one. I think that Mya was very gracious though, I was wrong I wasn't expecting this at all. Well enough on Donny.
The show was great Whitney Houston sang two of her songs "Million Dollar Bill'' and " I wanna dance with somebody",and did well on both of them and there were several other high points.
I love the hosts on the show Tom is always hilarious and Samantha although she looked a little skinny on this show, is always beautiful. My favorite parts were the dance off between Jerry Rice and Michael Irvin and Miss Piggy giving Samantha a karate chop to the ribs. Oh and I have to give a fashion shout out to Len Goodman, very savy jacket, georgous in fact!
Well now that the season is over what should we watch in the meantime? We will see!
Last night on DWTS, everyone had their great moments, but Mya and Dmitry Chaplin were the best in my opinion. I was hoping Kelly Osborne would do better, but she messed up pretty bad.
The judges dogged Mya's freestyle, but it wasn't her fault Dmitry totally made the dance and went against Mya's idea of a big time show dance. I was disgusted by the judges they know she didn't make the dance. But she still was able to pull out 10's. So now I hope it ends up with Mya and Dmitry and Kelly next but I think Mya will win it and Donny will be second.
I started watching the Biggest loser about a month or so ago. I have been enjoying it, however I missed last weeks show and my two favorite people weren't on this week. So I am not sure if Daniel and Shay were voted off or they just went home for a week or so. I tried to find video on You tube for you guys to set up a clip, but couldn't. So the most recent person voted off was Rebecca. Here is a clip of her on Jay Leno
This week on the City, Whitney went on a blind date with some lame little nerd. Her friend set her up with this guy. What kind of a friend is that? Whitney's roommate and workmate also went out on a date, but the guy didn't really like her and they got into a fight about him bring 6 girls, yes 6, out to a club with them the next night.
Olivia had more drama at work....This was a pretty boring episode if you ask me. You tube doesn't have any clips up of this episode so no clip. Sorry.
This week on the Hills, Brody finally decides to go back to his girlfriend Jade. But who really cares, Brody is hot and all but he has totally bad taste in women. Jade or Kristin, hmmmm they both pretty much suck! Why doesn't Brody go for Audrina. That would be much better in my opinion.
In this episode Justin Bobby also leaves Kristin a message trying to get her back. I don't think its that he is so into her, I just think he couldn't take someone telling him it's over. I mean really he cooked her dinner once, other than that he treated her like she didn't really matter. Maybe he just wants to get her back so he can really real her in and then dump her. Well lets hope so.
Also Heidi, decides to stop taking birth control with out telling Spencer. What a Stupid Trick! If she succeeds, Spencer will be angry and bitter and the divorce they were eventually gonna get anyway will just come sooner then she will be saddled with that jerk's kid forever. Very stupid move Heidi, I hope you don't get pregnant, for any kids sake that would come along. Watch the Clip-- Thanks You Tube!
I really liked this episode of Heroes, Sylar somehow leaves Matt's body but its unknown who's body he enters. Peter finally finds out the truth about Nathan Dying.
Samuel learns how to tap into his full power, which is scary. My favorite story line this week was Tracy's though. Tracy struggles to control her ability and accidentally freezes Claire. It's pretty hilarious. Watch a clip of how tracy tries to get Claire's frozen body into the bath tub. Thanks You Tube!
This week on DWTS, Joanna and Derek were voted off even though they were really good. Although I think it was correct, I mean the talent on that team was really Derek and he is already a Pro. For me it could have been them or Donny that could have gone home. I did think though that Joanna would make it just because she is skinny and blonde. I am glad I was wrong.
Leona Lewis sang on the results show and she just has an amazing voice! Love it. Well now I hope the next to go is Donny. Sorry Donny! I am hoping that it is Kelly and Mya in the finals. With Mya taking home the trophy. Why, because she is awesome at the dance, well and her partner is hot! Ok enjoy the clip from the show. Thanks You tube!
Last week on DWTS, Aaron Carter finally got the boot. Don't get me wrong he was pretty good but he wasn't my pick to go to the finals. So sorry Aaron, I'm all for Mya. They predicted that Mya would win last week in a funny spoof, but I think they did it to try and sabotage her. I am still willing her to win. I hope Joanna and Mya are in the final two and that Mya takes home the trophy.
Last week's show had singer Michael Buble' as an entertainer, and I enjoyed it immensely. Good job Michael!!
This week on the City, Olivia's boss is finally seeing that she's not "all that" her work ethic is lacking, severely. Maybe she will get the ax. One could only hope. It seems that she always seems to come out on top. Hmmm wonder why,. could it be money? Anyway poor sweet Whitney finds out that her love intrest Freddie Facklemayer has a girlfriend. Yep what a dirt bag! Yeah pretty hot in this pic, but still a dirt bag! ->
Whitney is so nice when is she gonna find a good guy? Hopefully next week! Ha ha, Enjoy the clip.
Episode 6 of this Season, Heidi throws her own party, cause her jerk husband, wouldn't do it for her. Anyway Kristin and Audrina show up. Audrina trashes Kristin to Brody. I hope Brody listens. I think he and Audrina would be cute together. Kristin goes off on Audrina and Audrina tucks tail and leaves the party. Then Kristen finally dumps Justin Bobby. Smart girl, well kinda. I think that was a good move on her part. The show seems to be setting things up for Brody and Kristin to start dating. I think they should steer clear of that. Guess we will see what happens next week. This show is getting so predictable. I don't know why I watch sometimes.
This results show was sad to me, although I know Michael wasn't the best dancer, I am sad he had to go. Also Lacy and Mark were voted off, I won't miss Mark, hated looking at his facial expressions, but Lacy is a good dancer and it's a bummer she won't be on the rest of the show.
Cobie Caillat was on the show for entertainment, and it was very enjoyable. I liked her song "Falling for you. Also Ballas and Hough had a little show. The boys are totally cute! There dancing was off the chain! But there sing well, I think it was computerized and lip sinked. Good show though. Enjoy the clips below.
This week on Heroes Hero saves the love of his life, Charlie, and there is a freaky scene in which Sylar gets rid of Charlies tumor. It was a good show and gives us more information on the kind of guy Noah really is. They are really trying to make Noah likable. There was nothing about Claire this week wich was fine with me. I don't like the direction they have taken her story line. Here is a clip from this weeks show. Enjoy!
Last night Mya got help from Cloris Leachman! I can't believe that, I mean no offense Cloris but you didn't win, did you? Why would Dimitri get her to help???? I still am scratching my head on that one. He should have gotten help from an old ex pro dancer or something not Cloris. Karina who I don't really like, actually got Aaron the help he needed. Now thats a way to get help! Aaron did great and so did Donny. Kelly and Joanna did ok to me but not great, but the Judges slathered them in praises. I don't understand why. Am I wrong? In the group dances, the group with Joanna Krupas did do better, although I don't favor any of the ones in that group, I have to give credit where credit is do. They did great. So who goes home on the results show??? My guess, Mark or Micheal. Although I hope Micheal stays! Let Mark or Kelly go home.
This results show was good. It had Taylor Swift as the entertainment along with some other Latin band. I watched Taylor's interview on Ophra a couple weeks back and although she seems genuinely well rounded and kind. I hate her music. Sorry I know many love her, but not me. So to me the entertainment on the show this week sucked the big one! The only good entertainment came with the DWTS expert dancers.
I did not mind that Mark and Melissa were voted off. Although she seems sweet and did a pretty good job, she wasn't where she needed to be as a dancer. Also Mark seemed not fun or happy this season, like he usually is. I did not want to see Louie go, but I didn't want to see Michael go either. In the end the judges made the right choice cause Micheal was better. So hopefully he continues to do well. Otherwise my top pick is MYA!!!
In this episode Matt thinks he has banished Syler by drinking him out of his mind, but it proves to work to the oposite Syler gains more ground. Also the new story line of the boy who could give life or take it away was killed literally. The boy was killed in a horrendus fashion, chained and drug by a vehicle. Very sad. But the good thing was Samuel avenged him. In this episode they also developed the love interest between Claire and her female roomie. "Hated it".
Tonight everyone danced pretty well. But I am starting to think that Len is out to get Michael Irvin. Michael did very well in his waltz. The cameras did not show much of Michael and his partner in the Mambo dance off so we could not see if the decision to only give him 2 points was just.
I think Len is way off. Michael isn't the best, but Len and the other judges made me vote for him, because they were obviously biased. I think Len is only for skinny pretty girls, preferably blonde and of course Carrie-Ann is leaning toward her asian brother Mark.
If you ask me Mya was doing way better than Joanna. These judges are messed up and it is up to us to choose better than they do.
Natalie Coughlin was voted off on the results show last week. Lyn Goodman made me furious with his comments that the American public are keeping people on that don't deserve it. Well if they wanted a show were the judges made the decision why did they even involve us?
I'm certain Lyn's comments were directed toward Micheal, but I am glad he is still on and I will vote for him again tonight. I say vote Mark off this week. I hate when the judges try to influence the public's votes. Was Natalie a good dancer, yes! Did she deserve to go home? No. But neither did Micheal. Send Mark or Aaron home, is my opinion. On a good note, they did do a kinda cool tribute to Michael Jackson. Watch it below.
As for tonight's show. I am keeping my fingers crossed for Mya, Louie and Michael!
As I said before Heroes is one of my favorite shows, although they are starting to annoy me with all the new characters they are bringing in, while forgetting about key characters from previous shows, but it still is an appealing show. Last night the interesting story lines to me were of course Sylar getting his memory back and not allowing himself to go back to such a dark place, and well I did like the new kid with the power to kill or heal, emphasis on the heal part.
The other story line of the girl with the music and the colors is soooooo boring to me. What kind of a power is that? They need to tell us why she is important in this story or get rid of her. Cause really who cares if you can see colors while music plays.
The following is a clip from the show last night 1/of 5. You can watch the rest on Youtube! Thanks Youtube!
I like this show pretty well. The Host Tom is quite funny and so are the Judges at times and although Lyn can get a little cranky, he is likable too. So far these are the people who have been kicked off the show:Ashley Hamilton, Macy Gray, Kathy Ireland, Tom Delay(well it was his choice to leave bad feet), Debi Mazar, and last week Chuck Liddell. The remaining stars are: Aaron Carter, Natalie Coughlin, Mark Dacascos, Melissa Joan Hart, Michael Irvin, Joanna Krupa, Mya, Kelly Osbourne, Donny Osmond and Louie Vito.
See Joanna Trip
Last night I thought that everyone did pretty well. Mya was awesome!, and so was Joanna Krupa even though she tripped, the rest of the dance was excellent. Michael Irvin made a come back, although I have always thought he was better than Chuck Liddel, sorry Chuck. I'm sure youv'e heard it before but I'll say it, " Chuck you suck". I even liked Micheal better than Mark Dacasco last night. But the judges just wont cut him any slack. I am sorry to say but I hope Mark goes tonight and not Micheal... We will see.
Ok so what should I watch while I am waiting out the hiatus of Drop Dead Diva? Well I haven't found anything to fill that whole that has been left in my soul. But I think I will do some quick, brief recaps on some of my other favorite shows. Heroes and Dancing with the stars air tonight. So I will try to get a few clips up after I watch. I am not as into Heroes as I use to be they have added so many new characters, that it's annoying.
I want to see more of Peter and Tracy and The mother and clair and her dad oh and Syler. Oh and what about Suresh? Or the little kid that could fix everything or the girl that could learn anything in a minute? Some of these characters just dissappeared. So tonight we wait to see what will happen with Syler. And what is up with the music light lady, is that a power? Oh well I will be watching anyway.
Episode 13 is the Season Finale, it was a great show, and although I was eager to see what happens, I am sad to see the show go on hiatus. What am I going to watch on Sunday nights?
The opening of this show was awesome. It starts with Jane walking into Grayson's office and Grayson pulling Jane close and kissing her, but it's only a dream. But guess what it's Grayson's dream!!! Back in reality Jane and Tony can't seem to get together for anything other than lunch.
Jane takes on another model as a client but this time the model is a breast cancer survivor and suing her employer for firing her for not disclosing that knowledge. She is also assigned to another case with Kim for a minor league baseball pitcher who says a female surgeon botched his shoulder surgery so he can't play any longer. So Grayson takes over the model's case for Jane, with Stacy helping him.
Tony asks Jane to go away with him for the weekend, and Jane hesitates on giving him an answer. (Although Tony is sweet and really cute for Jane, I don't want that to work out.) The great thing is Grayson tells Stacy that he had been dreaming of Jane. Jane has her own dream starring Paula Abdul again, Tony does a tap dance and Grayson does a magic trick.
Grayson wins his case with Stacy's help.And Jane and Kim win their case, but discover both the plaintiff and the defendant were working together to scam the insurance company. Yep the doctor and the minor leaguer were getting together and scammed a 15 million dollar win with Jane and Kim's help. Jane tells Parker her findings and he advises her not to tell anyone. If Jane tells her career is over but she can't live with herself if she doesn't. Jane confronts the doctor and tells her she knows the truth and records the confession. the show ends showing Jane sending copies of the tape out along with a note to Parker. She says her goodbyes to Grayson and knows that her license may be revoked. She decides to call Tony and go to Nappa with him. But then there is a knock at the door and the not so cute and nerdy kid from "My so called life" You remember the one with curly blonde hair his name was Brian on the show, is there. I posted some pics up top so you know who I am talking about. The actor's name is Devon Gummersall. Well he's all grown up now, and much better looking but still he's no Grayson. He says that he is Ethan, Jane's husband. What the @!#???? Thanks Youtube for the clip!
Episode 12 is 'CRAZY' and I loved every bit of it! Jane forces herself onto a case with Kim, because the client is a model who is Jane's inspiration. Jane knows everything about the client and thinks that she is on a simple case to unfreeze assets but it all turns into a murder case when her client is arrested for murder of her husband. Her client doesn't want to take a plea bargain.
Grayson works on a case in which his client is a sweet older lady who wants to stay in her house even though a big developer has offered her a bunch of money. She wants to stay she says because she doesn't want to 'leave her Oscar', her late husband. Kim jumps ship on Jane's case with the model and begins to work with Grayson to rack up some pro-hours. Kim gets a good telling off by Grayson and his client for trying to talk her into selling.(Loved it!!!)But after the verbal beat down Kim sees the light and kind of softens. I hated that cause I really don't want to like her.
Even though Grayson is sleeping with Kim, he won't let her come over to his place because of course he is not truly over Deb. Kim is aware of this and decides not to push Grayson and breaks up with Grayson. Yea!!! On the other front things aren't looking so good for Jane's case. But of course Jane being the crack lawyer and fashoinista that she is she is able to solve and win the case, by proving her client's best friend killed him.
And the best part of the show for me this week was the ending, Grayson wins his case for his sweet little old lady. But guess what the real reason the little old lady won't move is because she killed her husband, Oscar and burried him under the floor boards, eek! But hilarious in a sick way. And then even better Jane and Grayson end up dining together out. It was suppose to be a double date but because Kim and Grayson broke up, Kims not there and then Tony had to cancel. Hooray, Jane and Grayson get to bond a little more. Next episode is the finale people!!! Here is a little preview Thanks YouTube!
OMG!!! In Episode 11 we find out that Grayson and Kim are "doin it" of course I am in Jane's corner totally and didn't ever want to see this happen, but I guess it makes for good TV, I'm hoping this won't last. Also Nia Vardalos star of My Big Fat Greek wedding stars in this episode along with the very famous Shirley Maclaine. Nia plays a woman who was switched at birth and Shirley plays the mother who raised her. Jane is on the case to find out who her parents really are.
Parker is forced to take on a case where his client, a chocolate candy company, is suing a disgruntled ex-employee who made a parody about bugs being in the candy and posted it on the web. Parker assigns Grayson and Kim to second chair.
Jane's mother comes to visit, and I do mean Jane's mother not Deb's. It's apparent that Jane and her mother were not close. In the meantime Parker struggles in court and Grayson and Kim have to take over the case. Jane advises Grayson to give Parker a pep talk and he does. Parker denies that the talk helped him but it does and he is able to finish up the case and win. Jane and her client Lisa find out who her real parents are and how they live a very rich life. In court Jane finds out that her client's mother knew her daughter was switched all along and because the statutes of limitations had run out the case is thrown out. But Jane is able to win anyway because the girl who was switched with Lisa volunteers to be the plantiff. Tony comes over to pick Jane up for their first date, but they end up staying in and eating with Jane's mom and in the end Jane and Tony end up having their first kiss. Jane and her mother have a fight, but they overcome it and become closer than the real Jane and her mother were. Jane's mom also bonds with Fred and talks him into getting over Stacy by traveling and meeting people. So Fred decides to leave and experience the world.
Episode 10 is star studded, it stars Rosie O'Donnell, Delta Burke and Liza Minelli. Rosie takes a re-occurring role as Judge summers, meeting up with Jane to play scrabble. Liza and Delta play psychic sisters fighting over the psychic shop their father left them in his will.
Jane becomes Rosie's or Judge Summer's lawyer, suing a dating service that took $25,000 from her but found her no date. Fred comes back, he gave up his gaurdian angelship to come back and try to win over Stacy again. The bad news is that Stacy doesn't recognize Fred and pepper sprays him and then decides to date another guy. Fred is heartbroken yet again.
Jane has chemistry with the lawyer representing the owner of the dating service, Tony. One of the psychic sisters played by Delta tells Grayson that his "schloopy" (a nickname he had for Deb), is still near by. I am not sure if Grayson takes this information as applying to Kim or not, but he does ask Kim out on a date.
Episode 9 guest stars Paula Abdul as a judge in Jane's dream but the show starts with Stacy shopping in a fancy shop on Rodeo drive. The clerks are very attentive until Jane joins her. Jane relizes the store has no sizes above a 10. The clerks are rude to Jane and end up asking her to leave. Jane is furious and decides to sue the store.
Parker assigns Kim to the case, and although she doesn't want to take the case she wants to prove herself, so that she can become an associate. When Parker finds out that one of the firms biggest clients owns the store she is suing, he asks Jane to drop the case. Jane threatens to sue Parker if he doesn't allow her to sue. An old friend asks parker to represent him because his daughter ends up in a "Party girls go wild" video. Parker assigns Grayson to the case.
Grayson wins his case, but Kim does not.But even though they lose the battle they win the war because the owner of the shop decides to make his shop sell larger sizes. And even though Jane and Kim don't see eye to eye, Jane thanks Kim for her hard work on the case. They end up with a mutual respect.
In Episode 8 Jane meets up with an old friend from high school at her 15 year reunion. She hopes that possibly he was an old boyfriend, but finds out that he is gay. Grayson and Kim are put on another case together, where a bride to be sues her maid of honor for wedding costs, because she cheated with her fiance.But Grayson doesn't want to be on the case so Kim takes it alone, only to find out that the client ends up forgiving her fiance.
Grayson, apologizes to Jane for his inapropriate action of kissing Kim at work. Then Jane tries to subtly talk him out of continuing a relationship with Kim. Grayson won't talk to Kim about the kiss at first, until he gets advice from Jane. Kim tells Grayson that she wants to forget the kiss, probably pulling him in closer unknowingly.
Jane handles a case where a client is about to be forced to step down as CEO of his own company by his own son. He does crazy things like takes off his suit in court or asks one of the witnesses to marry him. Jane loses faith in her client and so she gets fired, but she gets her job back and manages to almost take a win until the client faints cause he is dying, but Jane gets him to reconcile with his son.
In Episode 7, Stacey's memory is wiped, because angels of course can't date humans,or actually they can't date at all. Fred was transferred back to the home office and all memories of him were erased except for Jane's.
Jane takes on a client who's young daughter is having heart problems because of a diet program she is on. The problem is Jane in her former life was a client of the program but didn't remember. Jane goes to see her Doctor and her Doctor tells her that the diet was short lived because you can only starve your body so long. Jane figures out that the creator of the diet had a gastric bypass, so she wins her case and has the diet's web-site shut down.
Kim is sued for sexual harassment by an ex-assistant and Grayson represents her. The case seems like an easy win, till it comes to light that Kim has been sued for sexual harrassment before. But both suits were bogus and Teri helps Grayson come up with evidence to win the case.
This show also has an awsome scene in which Jane confesses she is Deb and Grayson kisses her, but its only a day dream but awesome none the less.
Kim and Grayson bond and end up making out -it made me want to cry like Jane did. What will happen in episode 8????
In Episode 6 Tim Gunn guest stars, showing up in Jane's dreams, giving her a pep talk on how to tell Grayson that she is Deb. Teri is upset because she thinks that Jane is going to hire a new assistant. And Fred decides to play hard to get with Stacey.
Jane takes on a client who is arrested for a murder that occurred nearly 20 years earlier and Kim is assigned to the case too. At the same time Grayson takes on a case where a famous client played by Elliot Gould, is suing a website that has reported him dead. Grayson gets the web-site owner to make a retraction but finds that his client is not satisfied, not because of the world thinks he's dead but his true trouble is that his wife recently died and he is lonley.
Jane wins her case and Grayson meets his client with two bouquets of flowers at the grave yard and they both leave flowers at their loved ones graves. The show ends with Stacey kissing Fred and the two going out to dinner. Then there is a knock on the door and its Grayson and Jane and Grayson have dinner together. --This show made me smile and I loved the song they kept playing. " I am captivated by you". The song is by Shawn McDonald
In Episode 5 Jane is excited to work with Grayson for the first time on a case, but Kim steps in to work with him, while Jane ends up working on a Pro-Bono case. Jane's case is an ex-con wrongly convicted of armed robbery and murder, now suing for damages after being in prison for 10 years. It's also Jane's birthday and she flips out when finds out that she is 32 years old instead of 24.
Grayson and Kim work on a case where the client is a male who owns an online dating website geared towards married men. He is being sued by an angry wife who's husband left her for someone he met on the site. Grayson gets to see Kim's true colors in regard to how she feels about relationships, however he also sees that she is protecting herself from getting hurt.
Jane at first loses her case and then recovers with a hefty win for her client. Grayson and Kim win their case as well even though Grayson finds his client morally corrupt. And Kim shows that she may possibly have a heart after all. The show ends with a 24th or 32nd Karaoke birthday party for Jane. Then in a very entertaining end Jane shows she has quite a nice voice by karaokeing her and Graysons song.
In Episode 4 Jane works on a case where an owner of a prize winning golden retriever has his pet cloned, only to find that the dog won't act like the original dog. Grayson helps Deb's Father or the new Jane's Father with filing for divorce. While Jane also decides to represent's her own mother in the divorce. While all the courtroom drama is unfolding, Fred takes steps to make Stacey fall in love with him.
Jane finds out that her mother(previously Deb's mother) was having an affair for years. Jane drops the case and has the divorce handled by another lawyer. But Jane rallies and wins her cloned dog case. And although Fred's attempt at making Stacey fall for him fail, he does succeed in making her know his name. Thanks for the clip YouTube!
In episode 3 Chuck Woolery guest stars as a Judge in Jane's dreams and Rosie O'Donnell guest stars as a Judge who presides over Jane's case. Jane tries to plan a trip to Palm Springs with Stacey, but ends up re-working a case that comes up for re-trial. The case was a prior case Jane won for a widow and her son, when the father and husband of her clients was killed in a trucking accident.
Meanwhile Grayson and Kim are working together again on a case in which a woman married to a man with multiple persaonalities was treated by a doctor, but the doctor got rid of the wrong personality. Fred meets Stacy and instantly falls in love with her. Stacey doesn't know he's alive and Jane's obituary has the wrong picture. Kim sets up Grayson trapping him into dinner with her. Jane then gets arrested on a contempt of court charge. Jane asks Stacey to help her with her case by acting. Jane wins her case as does Grayson and Kim. Grayson confronts Kim about tricking him into going to dinner with her but being the big hearted guy he is ends up going to dinner with her again. And Fred is heartbroken because Stacey is out of his league.
In this episode, Jane is still trying to get use to her body, she finds herself emphathetic to her new client who was fired from working at a bar as a cocktail waitress because she gained 50 pounds. At the same time Grayson and Kim get assigned to work on a case together. Their client who a man seeking a divorce because his wife cheated on him after 10 years. He gives her everything in the settlement but he wants to get the kidney he gave her back.
Stacey goes to Jane's office and meets Teri. Stacey is on a mission to help Jane slim down. But Jane can't even do one squat. Jane goes to court for her cocktail waitress who was fired she does research by going to the bar. While she is there she flashes back to how she and Grayson met. The next day Jane goes to the real Jane's house and finds Fred living there. Jane and Stacey have a fight and Jane says she is not gonna work out. But of course they make up. But in between time Jane spends time bonding with Fred. Grayson goes to Jane for advice and she helps him settle his case. Jane tries to win her cocktail waitresses case by claiming being fat is a disability. The client won't have it and Jane wins the case without using that strategy.
In Episode 1 In the Pilot of Drop Dead Diva, we are introduced to Deb a twenty three year old blonde who is an aspiring model. She is somewhat shallow, but kind. She has a boyfriend, a gorgeous lawyer named Grayson Kent. The two of them are soul mates. It's a big day for both Deb and Grayson, Deb has an interview to be a Price is Right Model and Grayson has an interview with a big Law Firm. The story line then cuts to Jane Bingum an overweight badly quaffed and badly dressed lawyer. Jane is looked down on by her co-worker Kim. Kim is attractive and vying for partner at the firm. Teri, Jane's assistant supports Jane fully. Suddenly Jane finds herself face to face with a gunman who is angry with the managing partner of the firm, Parker who has slept with his wife. Jane tries to talk to the gunman but trips over a cord. The gunman gets scared and shoots and kills Jane. At the same time Deb who is talking on her blue tooth to her best friend Stacey while driving and applying lip gloss crashes her shiny red convertible in to large truck of grapefruit.
Deb awakens to find herself on the escalator to heavin. She is greated by an angel named Fred. Fred plugs her name into his computer and learns that Deb has not done a single good deed or bad act while on earth. While Fred is trying to sort things out Deb notices a sign that says "Return button shall not be pressed with out authorization". Deb pushes the button and awakens alive in a hospital. She notices her reflection in the mirrored light above her head and sees that she is in a heavy set brunett's body.
Later Fred the angel comes to her hospital room and tells Deb that she is in Jane Bingum's body. Fred tells Deb that she is now Jane, she gets to keep Janes IQ which is off the charts, but she keeps her own memories. Jane is not allowed to tell anyone what has occurred. Fred tells her that he was demoted from gate keeper to guardian angel because of her. Her assistant Teri gives Janes a Lane Bryant suit to put on, and Jane's boss, Parker thanks her for taking a bullet for him. Everyone believes Jane has selective amnesia. But Jane suddenly gets brain surges and is able to recite laws and case points. She gets pushed into continuing to work on her current cases. Jane then goes to Deb's best friend's house, Stacey. Jane talks Stacey into believing she is really Deb. Jane says she won't tell Grayson who she really is. Jane decides to move in with Stacey. Jane goes to her own funeral. Grayson gives a moving speach about the 5 stages of grief. Jane overhears what people think of her at the funeral, and sees that people think she is selfish, so Jane decides to go to court to help her clients, Jane is working on a case with Kim but Kim doesn't like Jane and sets her up. After recieving a much needed pep talk from her assistant Teri, Jane is fired up and ready to win both her cases. As Jane sits in her office Grayson walks into her office. Jane thinks Grayson remembers her, but the real Jane had previously interviewd Grayson for the Job. Grayson tells Jane that he was going to propose to Deb. Jane then sees Kim flirting with Grayson and gets worried. Grayson congratulates Jane on her win and notices her pinky nail, and asks " is that ironic taffy"? The show ends with Jane talking to Fred and trying to come to terms with the new woman she is.
If you missed the first show don't worry you can watch the show on line at www.mylifetime.com.
The show stars Brooke Elliott, Magret Cho and Jackson Hurst.
Brooke Elliot, is from Michigan and has done some broadway shows. We all know Margret Cho who has super comedic chops and Jackson Hurst a Texas born actor who has appeard in the 'Cleaner' and who will soon be appearing in a film with Brad Pitt and Sean Penn called "The Tree of Life".
I really like this show and I give it a big two thumbs up!!!! pictures from Google images The following is being shared curtosey of YOUTUBE! Thank you YouTube!
I love Drop Dead Diva and Gossip Girl, The Hills and The City. I also follow Dancing with the stars and Heroes and Lost! Catch up on all your favorite shows here.