In Episode 1
In the Pilot of Drop Dead Diva, we are introduced to Deb a twenty three year old blonde who is an aspiring model. She is somewhat shallow, but kind. She has a boyfriend, a gorgeous lawyer named Grayson Kent. The two of them are soul mates. It's a big day for both Deb and Grayson, Deb has an interview to be a Price is Right Model and Grayson has an interview with a big Law Firm. The story line then cuts to Jane Bingum an overweight badly quaffed and badly dressed lawyer. Jane is looked down on by her co-worker Kim. Kim is attractive and vying for partner at the firm. Teri, Jane's assistant supports Jane fully. Suddenly Jane finds herself face to face with a gunman who is angry with the managing partner of the firm, Parker who has slept with his wife. Jane tries to talk to the gunman but trips over a cord. The gunman gets scared and shoots and kills Jane. At the same time Deb who is talking on her blue tooth to her best friend Stacey while driving and applying lip gloss crashes her shiny red convertible in to large truck of grapefruit.
Deb awakens to find herself on the escalator to heavin. She is greated by an angel named Fred. Fred plugs her name into his computer and learns that Deb has not done a single good deed or bad act while on earth. While Fred is trying to sort things out Deb notices a sign that says "Return button shall not be pressed with out authorization". Deb pushes the button and awakens alive in a hospital. She notices her reflection in the mirrored light above her head and sees that she is in a heavy set brunett's body.
Later Fred the angel comes to her hospital room and tells Deb that she is in Jane Bingum's body. Fred tells Deb that she is now Jane, she gets to keep Janes IQ which is off the charts, but she keeps her own memories. Jane is not allowed to tell anyone what has occurred. Fred tells her that he was demoted from gate keeper to guardian angel because of her. Her assistant Teri gives Janes a Lane Bryant suit to put on, and Jane's boss, Parker thanks her for taking a bullet for him. Everyone believes Jane has selective amnesia. But Jane suddenly gets brain surges and is able to recite laws and case points. She gets pushed into continuing to work on her current cases. Jane then goes to Deb's best friend's house, Stacey. Jane talks Stacey into believing she is really Deb. Jane says she won't tell Grayson who she really is. Jane decides to move in with Stacey. Jane goes to her own funeral. Grayson gives a moving speach about the 5 stages of grief. Jane overhears what people think of her at the funeral, and sees that people think she is selfish, so Jane decides to go to court to help her clients, Jane is working on a case with Kim but Kim doesn't like Jane and sets her up. After recieving a much needed pep talk from her assistant Teri, Jane is fired up and ready to win both her cases. As Jane sits in her office Grayson walks into her office. Jane thinks Grayson remembers her, but the real Jane had previously interviewd Grayson for the Job. Grayson tells Jane that he was going to propose to Deb. Jane then sees Kim flirting with Grayson and gets worried. Grayson congratulates Jane on her win and notices her pinky nail, and asks " is that ironic taffy"? The show ends with Jane talking to Fred and trying to come to terms with the new woman she is.
If you missed the first show don't worry you can watch the show on line at www.mylifetime.com.
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